
英語の「couch potato」とは

 英語の「couch potato」は、「ソファのジャガイモ」という意味です。つまり、一日中ソファに座りっぱなしで、テレビやビデオを見たり、ゲームをしたり、お菓子を食べたりして過ごす人を指します。


「couch potato」は、一般的に否定的な意味合いで使われます。例えば、以下のような文で使われることがよくあります。

  • Don't be a couch potato. Go outside and get some exercise.

  • I'm so tired of being a couch potato. I need to get a life.


「couch potato」は、日常会話でもよく使われる言葉です。ぜひ覚えておいて、さまざまな場面で使ってみてください。

以下に、「couch potato」を使った例文をいくつか挙げます。

  • My husband is a couch potato. He spends all day watching TV.

  • My kids are couch potatoes. They only want to play video games.

  • I'm turning into a couch potato. I need to start exercising more.


What does "Every Jack has his Jill" mean?

 "Every Jack has his Jill" is a proverb that means everyone will eventually find their perfect romantic partner.


  • Jack: A common English name typically used to represent an average man.
  • Jill: A common English name typically used to represent an average woman.
  • Has his Jill: Indicates finding a suitable partner, often implying a deep emotional connection.

Therefore, the entire proverb suggests that despite individual differences and potential difficulties, everyone has the potential to find a compatible and fulfilling romantic partner.

Here are some other ways to express the same meaning:

  • There's someone out there for everyone.
  • Two halves make a whole.
  • Love conquers all.

However, it's important to consider some nuances:

  • The proverb primarily emphasizes romantic relationships, though it can be interpreted more broadly to suggest finding meaningful connections in general.
  • It doesn't guarantee that finding a partner will be easy or happen quickly.
  • Focusing solely on finding your "perfect" match can create unrealistic expectations and hinder healthy relationships.

Overall, "Every Jack has his Jill" serves as a reminder of the possibility of finding love and connection, but it shouldn't be taken as a definitive guarantee or pressure to conform to traditional relationship ideals.

I hope this explanation clarifies the meaning of the proverb! Let me know if you have any other questions.




  • 「人の一生は重荷を負うて遠き道を行くがごとし。急ぐべからず。」


  • 「堪忍は無事長久の基、怒りは敵と思え。」


  • 「勝つことばかり知りて、負くること知らざれば害その身にいたる。」


  • 「及ばざるは過ぎたるより勝れり。」



What is a sticker price?

英語の「sticker price」は、「定価」または「希望小売価格」を意味する言葉です。一般的に、商品の表示価格やカタログ価格を指します。


「sticker price」は、交渉の余地があることを意味することもあります。例えば、自動車のディーラーは、ステッカー価格から割引を提供して、顧客を引き付けようとすることがよくあります。


  • I was able to negotiate the sticker price of the car down to $25,000.

「sticker price」と「list price」は、よく似た意味を持つ言葉ですが、わずかな違いがあります。

  • 「sticker price」は、商品に貼り付けられた値札を指すことが多いです。
  • 「list price」は、メーカーが定めた希望小売価格を指すことが多いです。


「sticker price」は、日常会話でもよく使われる言葉です。ぜひ覚えておいて、さまざまな場面で使ってみてください。


What is an essential worker?

 An essential worker is someone who performs a job that is critical to the functioning of society and public well-being, especially during emergencies or crisis situations. These workers typically keep vital services running even when others are able to stay home or work remotely.

The definition of an essential worker can vary depending on the context and location, but some of the most common types of essential workers include:

These are just a few examples, and there are many other types of essential workers who play a vital role in our society. During the COVID-19 pandemic, for example, many workers who were previously not considered essential, such as grocery store clerks and delivery drivers, were suddenly recognized as being critical to the functioning of society.

The designation of essential worker is often controversial, as it can be difficult to determine which jobs are truly essential and which ones are not. However, there is no doubt that essential workers play a vital role in our society and deserve our thanks and support.