
CAST この単語の使い方を多くの英文でお示しください。


1. 投げる、投げ込む、放り込む

2. 演じる、演技する

3. 投影する、映す

4. 役割を与える、配役する

  • The director cast the actor in the lead role.

  • The casting director cast the actress for the role of the princess.

  • The coach cast the player for the starting position.

5. 鋳造する、成形する

これらの例文で、"cast" のさまざまな使い方がわかりましたでしょうか。

What is variable in programming?

 In programming, a variable is a named container that stores a value. It's like a box with a label on it, where you can put things inside and retrieve them later. Here's a breakdown of key concepts:

1. Naming a Variable:

  • You choose a descriptive name to represent the data you'll store, making your code more readable.
  • Common naming conventions involve using lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores (e.g., nameagetotal_score).

2. Assigning a Value:

  • You use the = operator to assign a value to a variable.
  • Example: name = "Alice" puts the string "Alice" into the variable name.

3. Data Types:

  • Variables hold different types of data:
    • Numbers (integers like 42, decimals like 3.14)
    • Strings (text like "Hello, world!")
    • Booleans (True or False)
    • More complex types like lists and dictionaries

4. Reusing and Changing Values:

  • You can use a variable's name throughout your code to access and manipulate its value.
  • Example: print(name) would output "Alice".
  • You can assign a new value to a variable, effectively changing its contents.

5. Importance of Variables:

  • Organize and manage data within programs.
  • Make code more readable and maintainable.
  • Perform calculations and operations on data.
  • Store user input and create dynamic content.

Example (in Python):

# Declare variables with different data types
age = 30
name = "Bob"
is_active = True

# Print the values to check
print(age)  # Output: 30
print(name)  # Output: Bob
print(is_active)  # Output: True