



  • インターネットの嚆矢となったのは、1969年にアメリカで行われたARPANETの実験である。
  • 日本のアニメの嚆矢となったのは、1917年に製作された「桃太郎の海鷲」である。



  • インターネットの嚆矢濫觴となったARPANETの実験は、現代社会に大きな影響を与えた。


What is Emoji?

Emojis are those digital pictograms or icons you see embedded in text messages, emails, social media posts, and web pages. They add a burst of personality and nonverbal cues to our online communication, helping us express emotions, ideas, and even actions in a playful and concise way.

Here's a closer look at what emojis are all about:

1. Types of Emojis:

  • Faces: These express a wide range of emotions, from joy and laughter to sadness and anger .
  • Objects: From everyday things like to food and animals , these emojis add visual details and context.
  • Activities: Sports ⚽️, travel ✈️, and even gestures like thumbs up help communicate actions and intentions.
  • Symbols: Hearts ✨, stars , and other symbols add decorative flair and emotional emphasis.

2. Uses of Emojis:

  • Expressing emotions: Emojis can convey feelings and tones that might be difficult to express with words alone.
  • Adding humor and personality: A well-placed emoji can make your message more playful and engaging.
  • Clarifying meaning: They can help avoid misinterpretations by adding visual cues to your text.
  • Shortening communication: Sometimes, an emoji can replace a whole sentence or phrase.
  • Building community: Emojis can be a shared language within online communities and fandoms.

3. Where to Find Emojis:

  • Most modern devices and platforms: Smartphones, tablets, computers, and social media platforms have built-in emoji keyboards.
  • Dedicated emoji apps: There are even apps that offer a vast library of emojis and stickers to choose from.

4. Some Fun Facts:

  • The word "emoji" comes from Japanese, where "e" means "picture" and "moji" means "character."
  • The first emoji set was created in 1997 by Shigetaka Kurita for NTT DoCoMo, a Japanese mobile phone operator.
  • Today, there are thousands of emojis approved by Unicode, the international standard for digital character encoding.
  • New emojis are added regularly, reflecting trends and popular culture.

Emojis have become an essential part of our digital communication, adding a touch of fun, personality, and clarity to our online interactions. So next time you're chatting or posting, don't be afraid to let the emojis do the talking!

I hope this comprehensive explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions about the world of emojis.

What is cosplay?

 Cosplay is a portmanteau of the words "costume" and "play," and refers to the art and performance of dressing up as a character from a work of fiction. This character can come from any source, such as:

  • Anime and manga: This is the most common origin for cosplay characters, especially in Japan where cosplay originated.
  • Video games: From iconic heroes to quirky side characters, video games inspire many cosplay creations.
  • Movies and TV shows: Popular franchises and beloved characters from all genres find life in cosplay.
  • Comics and graphic novels: Superheroes, villains, and everyday characters from comic books come to life through cosplay.
  • Books: Readers can express their love for literary characters by bringing them to life through cosplay.
  • Original characters: Some cosplayers even create their own original characters, showcasing their creativity and imagination.

Cosplay involves more than just putting on a costume. It can be a complex and expressive art form, with cosplayers:

  • Crafting elaborate costumes: This can involve sewing, sculpting, prop-making, and wig styling, requiring various skills and creativity.
  • Performing the character: Some cosplayers go beyond the costume and embody the character's personality, mannerisms, and even voice.
  • Building a community: Cosplay events and conventions provide opportunities for cosplayers to connect with others who share their passion, forming friendships and collaborations.

The reasons why people cosplay are varied, but some common motivators include:

  • Expressing creativity: Cosplay allows people to bring their artistic vision to life and showcase their skills.
  • Connecting with characters and fandoms: By becoming a character, cosplayers can feel closer to their favorites and celebrate their love for specific stories.
  • Building community: Cosplay events provide a welcoming and supportive environment for fans to connect and have fun.
  • Boosting confidence: Creating and wearing a costume can be empowering and help people overcome shyness or express themselves confidently.

Overall, cosplay is a vibrant and dynamic art form that allows people to express their creativity, celebrate their fandoms, and connect with others through shared passion. It's a fun and inclusive community that continues to grow and evolve, always ready to welcome new characters and stories into its fold.

I hope this explanation gives you a good understanding of what cosplay is and why it draws so many people in! Let me know if you have any further questions about the fascinating world of cosplay.

What is a capsule hotel?

 A capsule hotel, also known as a pod hotel, is a type of hotel that offers small, bed-sized rooms called capsules instead of traditional, walk-in spaces. These capsules are typically stacked side-by-side and one on top of another, maximizing space in the hotel and keeping costs down for guests.

Here are some key characteristics of capsule hotels:

  • Compactness: Each capsule is about the size of a single bed, with just enough space to sleep comfortably. They may have some additional amenities like a TV, a light, and storage for luggage.
  • Basic amenities: Shared bathrooms and communal areas are common in capsule hotels, with some offering additional amenities like vending machines, showers, and lounges.
  • Affordability: Capsule hotels are significantly cheaper than traditional hotels, making them a budget-friendly option for travelers.
  • Security: Capsules often have curtains or doors that can be locked, providing guests with privacy and security.
  • Popularity: Capsule hotels are particularly popular in Japan, but they are becoming increasingly popular in other parts of the world as well.

Here are some of the reasons why people might choose to stay in a capsule hotel:

  • Budget travel: Capsule hotels are a great option for travelers on a tight budget.
  • Convenience: They are often located in central locations and are easy to get to.
  • Uniqueness: The experience of staying in a capsule hotel can be fun and unique.
  • Minimalism: Capsule hotels promote a minimalist lifestyle, with guests only using the space they need for sleep.
  • Social interaction: Some capsule hotels have communal areas where guests can meet and socialize.

So, if you're looking for a unique, affordable, and convenient place to stay, a capsule hotel might be a good option for you. Just keep in mind that the experience will be quite different from staying in a traditional hotel.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions about capsule hotels.