
what does "Chunk English conversation" mean?

 Chunk English conversation is a method of learning English that focuses on learning common phrases and expressions. Chunks are short, meaningful units of language that can be used to communicate a variety of ideas.

Chunks are often used in everyday English conversation, and they can be a valuable tool for learners who want to improve their fluency and accuracy. Chunks can also help learners to build their vocabulary and grammar knowledge.

There are a number of different ways to learn chunks. One common approach is to use a phrasebook or dictionary of chunks. Another approach is to watch English movies and TV shows and listen to English podcasts. Learners can also create their own chunks by breaking down longer sentences into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Here are some examples of chunks:

  • Greetings: "How are you?" "Nice to meet you."
  • Introductions: "My name is [name]." "Where are you from?"
  • Small talk: "What do you do for a living?" "What are your hobbies?"
  • Asking for help: "Can you help me?" "I need some directions."
  • Making plans: "Let's go to the movies." "I'll meet you there at 7pm."

Chunking can be a very effective way to improve your English conversation skills. By learning and using common chunks, you can communicate more effectively and naturally.

Here are some additional tips for using chunking:

  • Start with simple chunks. As you become more comfortable with chunks, you can gradually move on to more complex ones.
  • Practice using chunks in different contexts. The more you use chunks, the more natural they will become.
  • Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes when they are learning a new language. The important thing is to keep practicing.

What does "match pomp" mean?

 "Match pomp" is a Japanese term that, although literally translated as "match fire, pump water," actually refers to a deceptive, self-serving behavior. It describes someone who deliberately creates a problem or stirs up trouble, only to be the one to resolve it and gain some kind of benefit, like praise, gratitude, or even financial gain.

Here's a breakdown of the concept:

  • Match: This part represents the act of causing the problem, like lighting a fire.
  • Pomp: This part stands for extinguishing the fire or resolving the problem, like pumping water.

So, the term essentially compares the person to both the arsonist and the firefighter, but with the underlying motive of manipulating the situation to their own advantage.

Here are some examples of how "match pomp" might be used:

  • A company creates a crisis situation (e.g., a security breach) and then offers its own "solution" for a hefty price.
  • A politician stirs up public fear about a specific issue to gain voters' support for their own proposed policies.
  • A family member intentionally causes conflict within the family to position themselves as the mediator and earn praise for "bringing the family together."

It's important to note that "match pomp" is generally viewed as a negative and manipulative behavior. It's a way of exploiting others for personal gain, and it often damages trust and relationships.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.






  • 商品やサービスの不具合を意図的に作り出して、それを修理や交換することで利益を得る
  • 顧客にトラブルを起こさせて、その対応を請け負うことで利益を得る



  • 対立相手を攻撃するために、わざと騒動を起こす
  • 自分の支持率を上げるために、わざと事件を起こす



  • トラブルを起こして、それを解決することで注目を集める
  • 他人に迷惑をかけることで、自分の存在をアピールする


