
The Text Actions feature in Snipping Tool

 The Text Actions feature in Snipping Tool lets you extract text from screenshots. Here's how to use it:


  • Windows 11: This feature is only available in Snipping Tool versions 11.2308.33.0 and higher, which might be on Windows 11 Insider builds.


  1. Take a screenshot: Use Snipping Tool to capture the area you want. You can use the built-in snipping options or the keyboard shortcuts (Windows Key + Shift + S for a rectangular snip, Print Screen for a full screen capture).

  2. Open the screenshot in Snipping Tool: After capturing the screenshot, it will automatically open in the Snipping Tool window.

  3. Click the Text Actions button: This button looks like an "Aa" with a box around it. It's located in the top menu bar of the Snipping Tool window.

  4. Extract the text: Snipping Tool will use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to identify the text in your screenshot. You can then:

    • Copy all text: Click the "Copy All Text" button to copy all the recognized text to your clipboard.
    • Copy specific text: Click and drag your mouse to select a specific portion of the text you want to copy. Then, right-click and choose "Copy" or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + C).

Additional features:

  • Quick Redact: This option helps hide sensitive information like email addresses or phone numbers before copying all the text. Click "Text Actions" then "Quick Redact" to hide this information.


  • Text Actions work best with clear and well-lit screenshots.
  • If the Text Actions button is missing in your Snipping Tool, you might need to update it to a newer version.

For more information, you can search online for "Snipping Tool Text Actions".

famous proverb life


「We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us.」 の解説






  • 人生は常に計画通りに進むとは限らない
  • 変化を受け入れ、新しい機会に柔軟に対応する
  • 人生には多くの可能性があり、想像以上に素晴らしい人生が待っている


  • 人生の岐路に立たされている人に対して

"You're at a crossroads in your life, and it's okay to feel scared and uncertain. But remember, you don't have to follow the path you had planned. Let go of your expectations and be open to new possibilities. The best life is often the one you didn't even know you wanted."

  • 人生の岐路に立って、不安や恐怖を感じるのは当然のことです。でも、計画通りに進まなくても大丈夫。期待を手放して、新しい可能性に目を向けましょう。一番良い人生は、自分が望んでいると思っていなかった人生であることも多いのです。
  • 大きな失敗を経験した人に対して

"I know you're feeling lost and disappointed right now, but this is an opportunity for you to start over. Let go of the past and embrace the future. There are endless possibilities waiting for you."

  • 今は失意と失望を感じていると思いますが、これは新たな人生を始めるチャンスです。過去を手放して、未来を受け入れましょう。あなたには無限の可能性が待っています。
  • 新しいことに挑戦しようとしている人に対して

"It's scary to step outside your comfort zone, but it's also where the greatest rewards lie. Let go of your fears and embrace the unknown. You never know what you might achieve."

  • 自分の殻から出るのは怖いですが、そこには最大の報酬が待っています。恐れを手放して、未知の世界を受け入れましょう。自分が何 を成し遂げられるか、想像もつきません。
