
how to use the phrase "How did your xxx go?"

 You can use the phrase "How did your xxx go?" to inquire about someone's experience with something they did recently. Here's how to use it effectively:

Replacing "xxx"

  • Replace "xxx" with the specific event, activity, or situation you're interested in.


  • Formal: "How did your interview go?" (for a job interview)
  • Informal: "How did your date go?" (for a romantic date)
  • General: "How did your trip go?" (for a vacation or travel)
  • Specific: "How did your presentation go?" (for a work presentation)
  • Casual: "How did your exam go?" (for a school exam)

Context matters:

  • The formality of the situation and your relationship with the person will influence how you phrase the question.
  • For example, with a close friend, you might say "How'd your test go?" while with a colleague, "How did your meeting go?" would be more suitable.

Adding follow-up questions:

  • This shows genuine interest and encourages conversation.

"How did your interview go? Did you feel like it went well?"

Examples with follow-up questions:

  • "How did your doctor's appointment go? Did they figure out what's wrong?"
  • "How did your workout go? Feeling sore?"
  • "How did your job search go this week? Any promising leads?"

Things to avoid:

  • Avoid using "xxx" for overly personal or sensitive topics.


"How did your xxx go?" is a versatile phrase for inquiring about someone's recent experiences. Remember to replace "xxx" with the specific event and adapt the formality based on the situation.