
pull requests

 In software development, "pull requests" (often abbreviated as PRs) are a way for developers to collaborate and review code changes before they are merged into the main codebase of a project. Here's a breakdown of the concept:

What it is:

  • A formal way for a developer to propose changes they've made to the code.
  • Acts as a communication and review process.

How it works:

  1. Developer makes changes: A developer creates a new branch of the codebase and implements their changes there.
  2. Pull request is created: Once the changes are ready, the developer creates a pull request. This
    • Explains the changes made and their purpose.
    • Links to the specific code changes.
  3. Review and discussion: Other developers (reviewers) can then:
    • View the proposed changes.
    • Leave comments and suggestions.
    • Discuss the changes with the original developer.
  4. Merge or rejection: Based on the review, the code changes can be:
    • Merged: This integrates the changes into the main codebase.
    • Rejected: If the changes need further work, they are not merged.

Benefits of pull requests:

  • Improved code quality: Reviews help catch errors and ensure changes meet project standards.
  • Collaboration: Developers can work together on a codebase and share knowledge.
  • Version control: Pull requests provide a clear record of changes made.

Who uses pull requests?

  • Software development teams (especially those using version control systems like Git).
  • Open-source projects where anyone can contribute code.

I hope this explanation clarifies the meaning of "pull requests"!

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