
一般社団 法人 SDGsコミュニティとは何ですか?



  • SDGsの普及啓発
  • SDGsに関する研究・調査
  • SDGsに関する人材育成
  • SDGsに関する政策提言
  • SDGsに関する協働事業



  • 一般社団法人SDGsコミュニティウェブサイト


  • 普及啓発:SDGsの理解を深め、誰もがSDGsに取り組むことができる環境を整える。
  • 研究・調査:SDGsの達成に向けた課題や解決策を明らかにする。
  • 人材育成:SDGsに関する知識やスキルを身につけた人材を育成する。
  • 政策提言:SDGsの達成に向けた政策を策定・提言する。
  • 協働事業:SDGsの達成に向けて、さまざまな主体が連携して取り組む。


How to use encompass in sentences?

 To use "encompass" in sentences, you can use it to mean "to include," "to surround," or "to consist of."

Here are some examples:

  • The festival encompasses a wide range of activities, from music and dance to food and crafts.
  • The museum's collection encompasses over 100,000 works of art.
  • The forest encompasses a variety of habitats, including meadows, streams, and woodlands.
  • The company's services encompass everything from web design to marketing.
  • The study encompassed all aspects of the problem, from the causes to the solutions.

You can also use "encompass" to describe something that is very large or complex. For example:

  • The scope of the project encompasses the entire country.
  • The challenge of climate change encompasses many different sectors of society.
  • The study of human nature encompasses a wide range of disciplines.

Here are some more examples of how to use "encompass" in sentences:

  • The new curriculum encompasses all of the latest research on teaching and learning.
  • The company's goal is to encompass the entire value chain, from raw materials to finished products.
  • The new museum building will encompass a variety of spaces, including galleries, classrooms, and a café.
  • The government's new policy encompasses a range of measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The research team is studying how to encompass new technologies into the existing system.

I hope this helps!

What is ESD (education for sustainable development)?

 Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is an educational approach that aims to empower learners to take informed and responsible action for a sustainable future. ESD is based on the understanding that education is essential for promoting sustainable development, and that it must be holistic, integrated, and transformative.

ESD encompasses a broad range of topics, including:

  • Environmental sustainability
  • Economic sustainability
  • Social sustainability
  • Cultural sustainability
  • Global citizenship

ESD is not a separate subject, but rather a cross-cutting approach that can be integrated into all aspects of education. It can be taught at all levels of education, from early childhood to higher education, and in all settings, including formal, non-formal, and informal education.

The goals of ESD are to:

  • Enable learners to understand the interconnectedness of environmental, economic, social, and cultural systems.
  • Develop learners' knowledge, skills, and values to take action for a sustainable future.
  • Empower learners to participate in decision-making processes related to sustainable development.
  • Promote a sense of global citizenship and responsibility.

ESD is essential for addressing the complex challenges facing our world today, such as climate change, poverty, inequality, and environmental degradation. By empowering learners to take informed and responsible action, ESD can help to create a more sustainable future for all.

Here are some examples of ESD in practice:

  • A school garden that teaches students about sustainable agriculture and food systems.
  • A science class that studies the impacts of climate change on local ecosystems.
  • A social studies class that discusses the ethical implications of different energy technologies.
  • An art class that creates projects that raise awareness about environmental issues.
  • A community service project that cleans up a local park or river.

These are just a few examples of how ESD can be integrated into all aspects of education. By taking a holistic and integrated approach to education, we can help learners to develop the knowledge, skills, and values they need to create a more sustainable future.



  • テキストの作成と編集: ワードの基本的な機能です。テキストの入力、削除、移動、コピー、貼り付けなどを行うことができます。
  • 図形や表の挿入: 文書に図形や表を挿入することで、見栄えを良くしたり、情報を分かりやすくしたりすることができます。
  • スタイルの設定: スタイルを設定することで、文書全体の書式を統一することができます。
  • フォントと文字サイズの変更: フォントと文字サイズを変更することで、文書の見た目を変えることができます。
  • 段落の書式設定: 段落の書式を設定することで、文書のレイアウトを整えることができます。
  • ヘッダーとフッターの設定: ヘッダーとフッターを設定することで、文書の冒頭と末尾に固定のテキストや画像を挿入することができます。
  • ページレイアウトの設定: ページレイアウトを設定することで、文書の配置や余白を調整することができます。
  • 印刷の設定: 印刷の設定を行うことで、文書を印刷する際のオプションを指定することができます。



  • 自動文字列: 頻繁に使用する文字列を登録しておくことで、簡単に挿入することができます。
  • マクロ: 繰り返し行う作業を自動化することができます。
  • コメント: 文書にコメントを追加することで、他のユーザーと共同作業を行うことができます。
  • 変更履歴: 文書の変更履歴を保存することで、以前のバージョンに戻すことができます。
  • 保護: 文書を保護することで、不正な変更を防ぐことができます。





  • ビジネス: 文書作成、プレゼンテーション、レポート作成、マーケティング資料作成など。
  • 教育: 論文作成、レポート作成、プレゼンテーション、テスト作成など。
  • クリエイティブ: 小説、詩、脚本、音楽作品、ウェブサイトのコンテンツなど。
  • 個人: 手紙、メール、日記、思い出録など。


  • 教育: 学校や大学で、レポートや論文の作成、授業資料の作成などに使用されます。
  • ビジネス: 企業や組織で、文書作成、プレゼンテーション、マーケティング資料の作成などに使用されます。
  • 政府: 行政機関や自治体で、文書作成、報告書の作成、ウェブサイトのコンテンツ作成などに使用されます。
  • 医療: 医療機関や研究機関で、診断書や報告書の作成、研究論文の作成などに使用されます。
  • 法律: 法律事務所や裁判所で、訴状や判決書の作成、法律文書の作成などに使用されます。




  • ビジネス: 見積書、請求書、契約書、社内文書、プレゼンテーションなど。
  • 教育: レポート、論文、プレゼンテーション、テスト、課題、講義資料など。
  • クリエイティブ: 小説、詩、脚本、音楽作品、ウェブサイトのコンテンツ、ブログなど。
  • 個人: 手紙、メール、日記、思い出録、家計簿、スケジュール帳など。


How to use IFS in excel?

 The IFS function in Excel is a logical function that allows you to test multiple conditions and return the corresponding value. It is similar to the IF function, but it allows you to test more than one condition at a time.

To use the IFS function, you enter the following arguments:

  • Logical_test_1: The first logical test to evaluate.
  • Value_if_true_1: The value to return if the first logical test evaluates to TRUE.
  • Logical_test_2: The second logical test to evaluate.
  • Value_if_true_2: The value to return if the second logical test evaluates to TRUE.
  • ...: You can continue adding logical tests and values to return, up to a maximum of 127 pairs.
  • Catch-all value: The value to return if all of the logical tests evaluate to FALSE.

The IFS function will evaluate the logical tests in the order that they are specified. If a logical test evaluates to TRUE, the corresponding value will be returned. If all of the logical tests evaluate to FALSE, the catch-all value will be returned.

Here is an example of how to use the IFS function:


This formula will return the following values, depending on the value in cell A2:

  • If A2 is greater than 80, the formula will return the value "A".
  • If A2 is greater than 70, but less than or equal to 80, the formula will return the value "B".
  • If A2 is greater than 60, but less than or equal to 70, the formula will return the value "C".
  • And so on.
  • If A2 is less than or equal to 30, the formula will return the value "Small".

The IFS function can be used to solve a variety of problems in Excel. For example, it can be used to classify data, calculate discounts, or determine eligibility for benefits.

Here are some additional tips for using the IFS function:

  • You can use the AND and OR operators to combine logical tests. For example, the following formula will return the value "A" if cell A2 is greater than 80 and cell B2 is less than 50:
  • You can use the NOT operator to negate a logical test. For example, the following formula will return the value "A" if cell A2 is not greater than 80:
  • You can use the IFS function to return different values based on multiple criteria. For example, the following formula will return the value "A" if cell A2 is greater than 80 and cell B2 is greater than or equal to 50:

The IFS function is a powerful tool that can be used to solve a variety of problems in Excel. By understanding how to use the IFS function, you can improve your Excel skills and become more efficient in your work.

What is #### in excel?

 The #### symbol in Excel is a placeholder for a value that cannot be displayed in the current cell. This can happen for a number of reasons, such as:

  • The cell contains a formula that results in an error, such as a #DIV/0! error or a #VALUE! error.
  • The cell contains a number that is too large to be displayed in the current cell format.
  • The cell contains a date or time value that is outside of the range of dates and times that Excel can recognize.
  • The cell contains a text string that is too long to be displayed in the current cell format.

To fix the #### error, you need to identify the cause of the error and make the necessary correction. For example, if the error is caused by a formula, you need to check the formula for errors and correct them. If the error is caused by a number that is too large to be displayed in the current cell format, you can either change the cell format or split the number into two or more cells.

Here are some tips for fixing the #### error in Excel:

  • Check for errors in formulas.
  • Change the cell format to display large numbers.
  • Split large numbers into two or more cells.
  • Check the range of dates and times that Excel can recognize.
  • Shorten text strings.

If you are still having trouble fixing the #### error, you can search for help online or contact Microsoft support.

自分を守る心の技術の中で相手との間に 境界線を引く 超えないようにするとはどういうことでしょうか



  • 相手の要求をすべて受け入れない
  • 自分の時間を大切にする
  • 自分の意見や感情を主張する
  • 自分の価値観を押し付けない




  • 相手に「NO」と言えるようにする
  • 自分の気持ちや考えを相手に伝える
  • 自分の限界を相手に伝える
  • 自分の価値観を相手に伝える

