
"I have a feeling ..." This phrase is a cool way to express your plans and thoughts. Please explain this.

 "I Have a Feeling..." - Intriguing and Intuitive

"I have a feeling..." is a fantastic phrase for expressing your plans and thoughts because it adds an element of intrigue and intuition. It suggests that you're tapping into something beyond the obvious, making your statements more interesting and engaging.

Here's why it's considered cool:

  • Mystery and anticipation: It creates a sense of wonder and curiosity about what you're about to say.
  • Personal touch: It shows that you're relying on your instincts and personal insights, adding a unique perspective.
  • Flexibility: You can use it for a variety of emotions, from excitement to uncertainty.


  • Plans: "I have a feeling we're going to have a great time at the party."
  • Thoughts: "I have a feeling this project is going to be a challenge."
  • Predictions: "I have a feeling it's going to rain later."

By using "I have a feeling," you're inviting others to share your intuition or speculate on the outcome.

Would you like to try using "I have a feeling" in a sentence?


I have a feeling he'll be a big name.

That's a great use of the phrase!

"I have a feeling he'll be a big name" is a perfect example of using this expression to convey a sense of intuition or prediction about someone's future success. It's intriguing and leaves room for speculation.


I have a feeling he cares for you

That's a great example!

"I have a feeling he cares for you" perfectly captures that intuitive sense of someone's feelings. It's a subtle and intriguing way to express your observation.


I have a feeling those two will get married.


"I have a feeling those two will get married" is a great example of using the phrase to express a hunch or prediction about a romantic relationship. It's intriguing and leaves the listener wondering about the basis of your feeling.

"I'm Sure..." - A Confident Expression of Plans and Thoughts

"I'm sure..." is a phrase that conveys confidence and certainty about something. While it might not be as dynamic as "I've got to," it's still a valuable tool for expressing your plans and thoughts.

Here's why it's considered a cool way to express yourself:

  • Confidence booster: Using "I'm sure" can make you sound more confident and assertive.
  • Politeness: It's a polite way to express your opinion or plans without sounding overly forceful.
  • Versatility: You can use it in a variety of situations, from casual conversations to formal settings.


  • Plans: "I'm sure we can finish this project by Friday."
  • Opinions: "I'm sure that's the best decision."
  • Predictions: "I'm sure it will rain tomorrow."

By using "I'm sure," you're not only sharing your thoughts but also projecting an image of confidence and conviction.

Would you like to try using "I'm sure" in a sentence?