
What is zero sum game?

 A zero-sum game is a situation in which one person's gain is equivalent to another's loss, so the net change in wealth or benefit is zero. Zero-sum games are often used in economics to describe situations where there is a fixed amount of resources or opportunities, and where one person's success must come at the expense of another.

Some examples of zero-sum games include:

  • Gambling games, such as poker and blackjack
  • Competitive sports, such as tennis and soccer
  • Economic markets, where buyers and sellers try to negotiate the best price for goods and services
  • Political elections, where candidates compete for votes

It is important to note that not all zero-sum games are inherently bad. In fact, some zero-sum games can be beneficial to society as a whole. For example, competitive sports can promote physical fitness and teamwork, and economic markets can help to allocate resources efficiently.

However, it is also important to be aware of the potential negative consequences of zero-sum games. For example, gambling can lead to addiction and financial ruin, and political elections can become divisive and destructive.

Here is a simple example of a zero-sum game:

Alice and Bob are playing a coin toss game. Alice bets $1 on heads and Bob bets $1 on tails. If Alice wins, she gets Bob's $1. If Bob wins, he gets Alice's $1. The net change in wealth is zero, because one person's gain is equivalent to the other person's loss.

Zero-sum games are an important concept in game theory, and they are used to study a wide variety of situations, from economic markets to social interactions.

What is pheromone like?

 Pheromones are chemicals that animals and humans release into the air to communicate with each other. They are odorless to most conscious perception, but they can be detected by the vomeronasal organ, a specialized sensory organ located in the nose.

Pheromones can have a variety of effects on the recipient, including:

  • Attracting mates
  • Signaling danger
  • Marking territory
  • Synchronizing reproductive cycles
  • Promoting bonding and social cohesion

In humans, pheromones are thought to play a role in sexual attraction, social interactions, and even our mood. For example, one study found that women who were exposed to the pheromone androstenone were more likely to rate men as more attractive and masculine. Another study found that people who were exposed to the pheromone oxytocin were more likely to trust and cooperate with others.

Pheromones are a complex and fascinating area of research, and there is still much we don't know about how they work. However, it is clear that they play an important role in communication and social behavior in both animals and humans.

What does a pheromone smell like?

Pheromones themselves are odorless to most conscious perception. However, they can sometimes interact with other chemicals in the body to produce a smell. For example, the pheromone androstenone is often described as having a musky or metallic smell. The pheromone oxytocin is sometimes described as having a warm, sweet smell.

It is important to note that everyone's sense of smell is different, and what one person finds attractive may not be attractive to another. Additionally, the effects of pheromones can be influenced by a variety of factors, including hormones, stress, and even diet.


Pheromones are a fascinating and complex area of research. While there is still much we don't know about how they work, it is clear that they play an important role in communication and social behavior in both animals and humans.

What is a master of ceremonies (MC) ?

 A master of ceremonies (MC) is a person who hosts a formal event, such as a wedding, awards show, or conference. The MC is responsible for introducing speakers, performers, and other guests, and for keeping the event running smoothly.

The MC also plays an important role in setting the tone for the event. They use their personality and charisma to engage the audience and create a positive and welcoming atmosphere.

Here are some of the specific duties of a master of ceremonies:

  • Welcome guests and introduce the event.
  • Introduce speakers, performers, and other guests.
  • Keep the event running on schedule.
  • Make announcements and provide information to the audience.
  • Entertain the audience with jokes, stories, and other performances.
  • Ensure that the event ends smoothly and that all guests have a positive experience.

To be a successful MC, one must have a number of skills and qualities, including:

  • Public speaking skills
  • Charisma and stage presence
  • Ability to engage and entertain an audience
  • Ability to think on their feet
  • Organizational and time management skills
  • Knowledge of the event's topic and audience

Master of ceremonies play an important role in making formal events successful and enjoyable for everyone involved.




この式では、A2 セルに入っている値を年として扱い、それに 1 を加算しています。

たとえば、A2 セルに 2023 と入力されている場合、この式は 2024 を返します。

また、次の式のように、DATE 関数を使用しても、同じ結果を得ることができます。


この式では、A2 セルに入っている値を年、月、日として扱い、それに 1 を加算した値を返します。

たとえば、A2 セルに 2023-07-20 と入力されている場合、この式は 2024-07-20 を返します。

なお、YEAR 関数は、日付の年を返す関数です。DATE 関数は、日付を返す関数です。





What is Time performance ?

 Time performance is a measure of how efficiently and effectively a task is completed with respect to time. It is often used in business and technology to assess the performance of systems, processes, and individuals.

There are many different ways to measure time performance, but some common metrics include:

  • Processing time: The amount of time it takes to complete a task, such as executing a program or rendering a web page.
  • Response time: The amount of time it takes for a system to respond to a user request, such as the time it takes to load a web page or run a database query.
  • Throughput: The number of tasks that can be completed in a given period of time.
  • Efficiency: The percentage of time that is spent on productive activities, as opposed to non-productive activities such as waiting or idle time.

Time performance is important because it can have a significant impact on productivity, costs, and customer satisfaction. For example, a slow website can lead to lost sales and frustrated customers. Similarly, a slow processing time can make it difficult for employees to complete their work efficiently.

There are a number of things that can be done to improve time performance, such as:

  • Optimizing systems and processes to reduce waste.
  • Investing in faster hardware and software.
  • Improving employee training and skills.
  • Establishing clear performance goals and expectations.

By monitoring and improving time performance, organizations can achieve significant benefits, such as increased productivity, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction.

Examples of time performance:

  • A website that loads in 5 seconds has better time performance than a website that loads in 10 seconds.
  • A database that can execute a query in 100 milliseconds has better time performance than a database that takes 500 milliseconds to execute the same query.
  • An employee who can complete a task in 1 hour has better time performance than an employee who takes 2 hours to complete the same task.

Time performance in Japanese:

Time performance in Japanese is known as タイムパフォーマンス (taimu pefōmansu), or タイパ (taipa) for short. It is a popular concept among Japanese youth, who are known for their focus on efficiency and productivity.

Taipa is often used in the context of making decisions about how to spend one's time. For example, a person might choose to watch a shorter video over a longer one, or eat a faster meal over a slower one, in order to save time.

Taipa can also be used to assess the performance of products and services. For example, a person might choose to use a faster internet service provider or a more efficient public transportation system in order to save time.

Overall, time performance is an important concept in both business and personal life. By understanding and improving time performance, individuals and organizations can achieve significant benefits.





  • 高級住宅やマンションの管理会社
  • 高級レストランやホテルの運営会社
  • 高級リゾートやクルーズ船の運営会社
  • 旅行会社
  • 航空会社
  • クレジットカード会社



  • ホスピタリティ
  • コミュニケーション能力
  • 語学力
  • 地理知識
  • トレンド情報
  • ビジネスマナー

