
What does "Every Jack has his Jill" mean?

 "Every Jack has his Jill" is a proverb that means everyone will eventually find their perfect romantic partner.


  • Jack: A common English name typically used to represent an average man.
  • Jill: A common English name typically used to represent an average woman.
  • Has his Jill: Indicates finding a suitable partner, often implying a deep emotional connection.

Therefore, the entire proverb suggests that despite individual differences and potential difficulties, everyone has the potential to find a compatible and fulfilling romantic partner.

Here are some other ways to express the same meaning:

  • There's someone out there for everyone.
  • Two halves make a whole.
  • Love conquers all.

However, it's important to consider some nuances:

  • The proverb primarily emphasizes romantic relationships, though it can be interpreted more broadly to suggest finding meaningful connections in general.
  • It doesn't guarantee that finding a partner will be easy or happen quickly.
  • Focusing solely on finding your "perfect" match can create unrealistic expectations and hinder healthy relationships.

Overall, "Every Jack has his Jill" serves as a reminder of the possibility of finding love and connection, but it shouldn't be taken as a definitive guarantee or pressure to conform to traditional relationship ideals.

I hope this explanation clarifies the meaning of the proverb! Let me know if you have any other questions.




  • 「人の一生は重荷を負うて遠き道を行くがごとし。急ぐべからず。」


  • 「堪忍は無事長久の基、怒りは敵と思え。」


  • 「勝つことばかり知りて、負くること知らざれば害その身にいたる。」


  • 「及ばざるは過ぎたるより勝れり。」



What is a sticker price?

英語の「sticker price」は、「定価」または「希望小売価格」を意味する言葉です。一般的に、商品の表示価格やカタログ価格を指します。


「sticker price」は、交渉の余地があることを意味することもあります。例えば、自動車のディーラーは、ステッカー価格から割引を提供して、顧客を引き付けようとすることがよくあります。


  • I was able to negotiate the sticker price of the car down to $25,000.

「sticker price」と「list price」は、よく似た意味を持つ言葉ですが、わずかな違いがあります。

  • 「sticker price」は、商品に貼り付けられた値札を指すことが多いです。
  • 「list price」は、メーカーが定めた希望小売価格を指すことが多いです。


「sticker price」は、日常会話でもよく使われる言葉です。ぜひ覚えておいて、さまざまな場面で使ってみてください。