
how to code VBA for creating a current directory list

 Here's how to code VBA for creating a current directory list:

1. Using Dir Function:

The Dir function allows iterating through files in a directory. Here's an example:

Sub ListCurrentDirFiles()

  Dim fileName As String
  Dim currentDir As String

  ' Get current directory path
  currentDir = CurDir

  ' Loop through files using Dir function
  fileName = Dir(currentDir & "\*.*")  ' Replace "*.*" with specific filter if needed

  ' Loop until there are no more files
  Do While fileName <> ""
    ' Display filename (add to worksheet cells, textbox, etc.)
    Debug.Print fileName  ' Replace with your desired output method (e.g., Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = fileName)
    fileName = Dir  ' Get next file name

End Sub

2. Using FileSystemObject:

The FileSystemObject offers more comprehensive file system manipulation. Here's an example:

Sub ListCurrentDirFiles_FSO()

  Dim fso As Object
  Dim folder As Object
  Dim file As Object

  ' Create FileSystemObject
  Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

  ' Get current directory as a folder object
  Set folder = fso.GetFolder(CurDir)

  ' Loop through files in the folder
  For Each file In folder.Files
    ' Display filename (add to worksheet cells, textbox, etc.)
    Debug.Print file.Name  ' Replace with your desired output method
  Next file

End Sub


  • Both methods retrieve the current directory path using CurDir.
  • The first method uses Dir to iterate through filenames with a wildcard filter (*.* for all files).
  • The second method creates a FileSystemObject and gets the current directory as a folder object. Then, it loops through each file object within the folder and retrieves its name.


  • Replace Debug.Print fileName with your desired output method, such as adding filenames to a worksheet range, textbox in a UserForm, or building a list in a loop.
  • You can modify the code to filter files based on extensions (e.g., *.xlsx for Excel files).

Choose the method that best suits your needs and coding style. Remember to replace the output statements (e.g., Debug.Print) with your specific implementation.

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