
Using "Weakness" in English Sentences

"Weakness" is a noun that refers to a flaw, fault, or defect. It can also describe a lack of strength or power. Here are some ways you can use it in sentences:

Describing a Personal Flaw or Limitation:

  • Example: Her weakness for chocolate often led to late-night snacking.
  • Example: His weakness in math hindered his progress in science.

Describing a Physical or Mental Weakness:

  • Example: The old man's weakness made it difficult for him to walk.
  • Example: Her weakness for alcohol caused problems in her relationships.

Describing a Weakness in Character or Morals:

  • Example: Her weakness for flattery made her susceptible to scams.
  • Example: His weakness in the face of temptation led him to betray his friends.

Describing a Weakness in a System or Structure:

  • Example: The bridge's weakness made it vulnerable to collapse in a storm.
  • Example: The company's weakness in marketing hindered its growth.

As a Metaphor for a Vulnerability:

  • Example: His weakness for praise made him a target for manipulation.
  • Example: The country's weakness in defense left it open to attack.

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