Judiciously means in a wise and careful manner. It implies making sound decisions based on good judgment.
Example Sentences:
Here are some examples of how to use "judiciously" in sentences:
In decision-making:
- "She judiciously chose the right moment to propose."
- "The company judiciously allocated its resources."
In resource management:
- "We must use our water resources judiciously."
- "They judiciously spent their money on essential items."
In speech or writing:
- "He judiciously chose his words to avoid offending anyone."
- "The author judiciously used humor to lighten the tone of the book."
Tips for Using "Judiciously":
- Synonyms: Other words that can be used in place of "judiciously" include "wisely," "prudently," "cautiously," and "sensibly."
- Context: Consider the context of the sentence to ensure that "judiciously" is the most appropriate word to use.
- Formal Tone: "Judiciously" is often used in formal contexts.
By following these tips, you can effectively use "judiciously" to convey your message with precision and clarity.
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