1. 相手が困っている様子が明確な場合
- 具体的な問題を尋ねる:
- "What seems to be the problem?"
- "Is there anything I can do to help with that?"
- "Are you having trouble with something?"
- 具体的な提案をする:
- "Would you like me to hold that for you?"
- "Let me help you with that."
- "I can show you how to do that."
- スーパーで重い荷物を持っている人: "Would you like me to help you carry those groceries to your car?"
- 道に迷っている観光客: "Are you lost? Can I help you find your way?"
2. 親しい間柄の場合
- カジュアルな表現を使う:
- "What's up?"
- "Need a hand with anything?"
- "What can I do for you?"
- "What's going on?"
- 冗談を交えて声をかけ、緊張をほぐす:
- "Hey, you look like you could use a second pair of hands. What's up?"
- "Need some help there, buddy?"
- テスト勉強で困っている友人: "Hey, what's up? Need help with your studies?"
- 引っ越し作業をしている家族: "What can I do to help you guys out?"
3. 子供やペットに対して
- 優しい声で尋ねる:
- "What's wrong?"
- "Are you okay?"
- "What's the matter?"
- 不安な気持ちに寄り添う:
- "Don't worry, I'm here to help."
- "It's okay, we'll figure this out together."
- 転んで泣いている子供: "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Let me see."
- 怯えているペット: "What's the matter? Are you scared? It's okay, I'm here with you."
4. 相手が困っている様子がわからない場合
- 丁寧な表現を使う:
- "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice..."
- "Pardon me, but are you having trouble with something?"
- "I apologize to bother you, but..."
- 助けを申し出る前に様子を伺う:
- "Do you need any assistance?"
- "Is there anything I can do for you?"
- 電車の中で困っている様子の人: "Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice you seem lost. Can I help you find your way?"
- 公共料金の支払いで困っている人: "Pardon me, but are you having trouble with the payment machine? I might be able to help."
5. 相手が助けを求めている場合
- 積極的にサポートを申し出る:
- "Is there anything I can do to help?"
- "I'm here if you need anything."
- "Let me know if you need any assistance."
- 必要に応じて、周囲の人にも協力を呼びかける:
- "Is anyone here able to help?"
- "Can someone please give us a hand?"
- 事故現場で怪我をしている人: "Is there anything I can do to help? Can I call an ambulance?"
- 荷物が重くて動けない人: "I'm here if you need anything. Let me help you with your bags."
6. その他
- 相手のジェスチャーや表情にも注意しましょう。
- 笑顔で接すると、相手も安心して助けを求めやすくなります。
- 必要に応じて、専門機関やサポート団体を紹介することも有効です。
- 困っている人への声かけ英語表現10~英語初心者におすすめ!: https://ncte.org/resources/journals/english-journal/
- 英語で「困る」を伝える例文集。ビジネス英会話で使用できる英文例も: [https://foreignlang.ecc.co.jp/](https://
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