
how to use the phrase "please say hello to xxx for me" in English

 Sure, here is an explanation of how to use the phrase "please say hello to xxx for me" in English:


The phrase "please say hello to xxx for me" is used to ask someone to convey your greetings to another person who is not present. It's a polite and indirect way to express your regards and well wishes to someone you care about.


The phrase follows a simple structure:

  • "Please": This word expresses your politeness and makes the request more formal.

  • "Say hello to": This is the main action verb, indicating that you want the person to communicate your greetings.

  • "xxx": Replace 'xxx' with the name of the person you want them to greet.

  • "For me": This emphasizes that the greeting comes from you and that you are the one asking them to deliver the message.


  • "Could you please say hello to Sarah for me?"

  • "Please give my regards to David when you see him."

  • "Tell John I said hello." (More informal)


There are also some variations of the phrase that can be used in different contexts:

  • "Give my best to xxx.": This expresses warm regards and well wishes.

  • "Send my love to xxx.": This conveys affection and love for the person you're asking about.

  • "Please remember me to xxx.": This is a way to remind someone of your existence and let them know you're thinking of them.

Situations to use the phrase:

  • When you can't see someone in person and want to convey your greetings indirectly.
  • When you want to ask someone to pass on a message of congratulations or well wishes.
  • When you want to express your regards to someone you know well, but the situation doesn't call for a direct message.

Additional tips:

  • If you have a specific message you want to convey, you can add it after the person's name. For example, "Please say hello to Michael and tell him I'm looking forward to seeing him soon."

  • If you want to make the request more personalized, you can mention something that will resonate with the person you're asking and the person you want them to greet. For instance, "Please give my regards to Emily and ask her about her new project."

  • Remember to use appropriate formality based on your relationship with the person you're asking and the context of the situation.

I hope this explanation is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.


"resonate" は、「共感する」「鳴り響く」「響く」という意味で、特定の人物に挨拶をする際に、その人物や対象に共感や共鳴する要素を加えてリクエストをよりパーソナライズすることを指します。

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