Verbose means using or containing more words than are necessary to express something; wordy.
Here's how to use it in English:
"The professor's lecture was incredibly verbose, going on for hours without saying anything of substance."
- This highlights the use of excessive words.
"His writing style is quite verbose, making it difficult to understand his main point."
- This describes someone who tends to use too many words in their writing.
"The contract was full of verbose legal jargon that was hard to decipher."
- This shows how "verbose" can describe something that is overly wordy and complex.
You can also use "verbose" to describe a person:
- "He is a very verbose speaker, often rambling on about irrelevant topics."
Antonyms of verbose:
- Concise
- Succinct
- Brief
- Terse
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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