"Resignation" can be used in a few different ways in English, both as a noun and a verb. Here's a breakdown:
1. As a Noun:
Meaning: The act of resigning or giving up a position or job. It can also refer to a formal written statement saying that you are resigning. More broadly, it can mean acceptance of something unpleasant that you can't change.
Usage related to jobs:
- "He handed in his resignation yesterday." (This refers to the act of quitting.)
- "She wrote a heartfelt resignation letter." (This refers to the written statement.)
- "The company announced several resignations." (Plural, referring to multiple people quitting.)
- "There are calls for the manager's resignation." (Demands for the manager to quit.)
Usage related to acceptance of something difficult:
- "She accepted the bad news with quiet resignation." (Acceptance of a difficult situation.)
- "He spoke with a tone of resignation in his voice." (Acceptance of an unavoidable outcome.)
- "Due to personal reasons, I am submitting my resignation from my position as Marketing Director." (Formal job resignation)
- "Despite their efforts, they faced resignation as the storm continued to rage." (Acceptance of a difficult situation)
2. As a Verb (Resign):
Meaning: To give up a job or position; to formally leave a role.
- "She resigned from her job."
- "He resigned as CEO."
- "They were forced to resign."
Grammatical Considerations:
- "Resign" is a regular verb, so the past tense is "resigned."
- You can resign from a position. You don't resign to a position.
- "After the scandal, he was pressured to resign."
- "She resigned to pursue her own business."
Key Differences and Points to Remember:
- Resignation (noun): Refers to the act of quitting or the written statement. Also used for accepting difficult situations.
- Resign (verb): Refers to the act of giving up a position.
- When talking about leaving a job, it's more common to say "resign from" a position than "resign a position."
- The noun "resignation" can also be used to describe a feeling of acceptance of something unpleasant, while the verb "resign" is strictly related to giving up a role.
By understanding these different uses, you can use "resignation" and "resign" correctly in various contexts.
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