
Using "How about" to Make Requests and Suggestions

"How about" is a versatile phrase for making suggestions and requests. It's generally informal and friendly.

Making Suggestions

  • Proposing an activity:
    • "How about going to the movies tonight?"
    • "How about we order pizza for dinner?"
  • Offering an alternative:
    • "How about trying this restaurant instead?"
    • "How about we meet at the park?"

Making Requests

  • Asking for someone's opinion:
    • "How about you drive? I'm tired."
    • "How about we split the bill?"
  • Suggesting a course of action:
    • "How about you help me with this?"
    • "How about you take care of the kids?"

Note: While "how about" is often used to make suggestions, it can also be used to make requests, but it's generally more polite to use other phrases like "can you" or "could you" for direct requests.

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