

 The word "collar" has several meanings and uses, so let's break them down:

1. Clothing:

  • The band around the neck of a shirt, dress, jacket, etc.: This is the most common usage. Think of a "shirt collar," a "dress collar," or a "Peter Pan collar."
    • Example: "He wore a shirt with a crisp white collar."
  • The top part of a coat that folds around the neck: This is often used for heavier outerwear.
    • Example: "She turned up her collar to protect herself from the wind."

2. Animal Accessories:

  • A band worn around an animal's neck, often for identification or restraint: This is most commonly associated with dogs and cats.
    • Example: "The dog's collar had its name and address on it."

3. Mechanical Devices:

  • A band or ring used to hold a pipe, shaft, or other part in place: This is a more technical usage.
    • Example: "The mechanic tightened the collar on the pipe."

4. Figurative Uses:

  • "Blue-collar" or "white-collar": These terms refer to types of jobs. "Blue-collar" jobs are typically manual labor, while "white-collar" jobs are typically office-based.
    • Example: "He comes from a blue-collar family."
  • To feel pressure or restriction (figurative): This is often used in the phrase "to feel the collar."
    • Example: "He's starting to feel the collar at work because of the increased pressure."

How to use "collar" in a sentence:

Here are some examples showing different uses:

  • Clothing: "My favorite shirt has a button-down collar."
  • Animal: "The cat's collar has a small bell attached to it."
  • Mechanical: "The pipe collar needs to be replaced."
  • Figurative: "The company's new policies are making employees feel the collar."

Choosing the right meaning:

The context of the sentence will usually make it clear which meaning of "collar" is intended. If you're unsure, consider the surrounding words and the overall topic of the conversation.

If you have a specific situation in mind, tell me about it, and I can give you a more tailored example.

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