Here are a few ways to say "She is sick, so she eats little" in Chinese, with slightly different nuances:
她生病了,所以吃得很少。 (Tā shēngbìng le, suǒyǐ chī de hěn shǎo.)
- This is a very straightforward and common way to say it.
- 生病 (shēngbìng) means "to be sick."
- 所以 (suǒyǐ) means "so."
- 吃得很少 (chī de hěn shǎo) means "eats very little."
她病了,因此吃得不多。 (Tā bìng le, yīncǐ chī de bù duō.)
- This is also very common.
- 病了(bìng le) means "is sick".
- 因此 (yīncǐ) is a more formal way of saying "therefore" or "so."
- 吃得不多 (chī de bù duō) means "doesn't eat much."
因为她生病了,所以她吃得很少。 (Yīnwèi tā shēngbìng le, suǒyǐ tā chī de hěn shǎo.)
- This version emphasizes the "because" part of the sentence.
- 因为 (yīnwèi) means "because."
Choose the one that best fits the context and your desired level of formality.
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