
Every flow has its ebb.

 "Every flow has its ebb" is a proverb that means every period of increase or success is followed by a period of decrease or decline. It suggests that nothing stays the same forever, and that ups and downs are a natural part of life.

Here's a breakdown:

  • Flow: Refers to a rising tide, a period of increase, prosperity, or success.
  • Ebb: Refers to a receding tide, a period of decrease, decline, or difficulty.

Essentially, it's saying that what goes up must come down, and that cycles of change are inevitable.

How to use it:

You can use this proverb in situations where you want to:

  • Acknowledge that a period of good fortune won't last forever.
  • Comfort someone who is experiencing a downturn after a period of success.
  • Explain the cyclical nature of life or business.
  • give a warning that good times will not last forever.
  • give a feeling of hope that bad times will not last forever.


  • "Our company had a record-breaking year, but remember, every flow has its ebb. We need to be prepared for potential challenges."
  • "She was on top of the world after winning the competition, but every flow has its ebb, and now she is having trouble with her new training."
  • "Don't get too discouraged by this setback. Every flow has its ebb, and things will improve again."
  • "The popularity of that type of music was huge, but every flow has its ebb, and now another type of music is becoming popular."

In essence, "every flow has its ebb" is a reminder of the impermanence of things and the importance of being adaptable and resilient in the face of change.

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